Corporate security consulting and management
Get a professional partner to take care of the information security of your business.We will provide you with consultations or take complete care of security management.
Leave the worries to us and focus on your business.
Security consultant
Consult an information security expert whenever you need it. Consult your current issues and get clear recommendations.
Responsible partner
Virtual CISO
An external information security manager who takes care of setting up a risk management strategy and designs specific solutions for your safer business.
Complex solution
Tailor-made information security
Entrust your business security to a team of experts. We will design a long-term security management strategy and ensure its implementation in the organization.
How Virtual CISO will help you
The external security manager will take care of setting up systematic and effective business risk management.
He defines clear security objectives and their measurement, analyses risks, proposes specific solutions to eliminate them and teaches your specialists to manage the measures in place in the long term.
Virtual CISO is the ideal solution for you if you need to ensure the security of your business but like most companies, you don't feel the need to have a full-time manager directly with you.
What a comprehensive risk management solution will bring you
Comprehensive risk management solves security problems based on clear priorities that meet the needs of your business. It will bring you a long-term and financially efficient strategy backed by clear data.
You will have a team of experts to do the job and you will only make strategic decisions but will keep track of the whole process
New measures will be fully tailored to your business and all internal processes. We will communicate them appropriately with all team members to accept them and to comply with them in the long term.
We will help you keep yours business secure
- Do you know what risks you are at and whether it makes sense to attend to them?
- Do you want to make sure that the security measures pay off?
- Do you need an expert to manage information security in your company?
- Do you need help to organize or evaluate penetration tests?
© 2021 | | Zásady zpracování osobních údajů
V roce 2020 získala firma Data Security Services s.r.o. podporu z Evropských strukturálních a investičních fondů, realizovanou skrz Operační program Praha - pól růstu ČR a čerpanou přes druhou výzvu Specializovaných voucherů (reg.č. CZ.07.1.02/0.0/0.0/16_027/0000607). Podpora byla mířena na účast firmy Data Security Services s.r.o. se sídlem „ Radlická 663/28, Smíchov, 150 00 Praha“ na projektu „Kreativní propagace datové bezpečnosti“ za účelem „vytvoření webových stránek, brandového manuálu, vytvoření letáku a brožury“. Očekávaným výstupem je „ kreativně prezentace firmy zabývající se šířením znalostí o důležitosti datové bezpečnosti, což zvýší konkurenceschopnost firmy“. Registrační číslo projektu: DOT/53/03/001235/2020
Projekt „Kreativní propagace datové bezpečnosti“ je spolufinancován Evropskou unií