We will help you do your business securely
Discover your business risks and secure all company information assets against leaks and loss. We will advise you on what security measures will pay off in your company.
Detect threats to your business
Measure risks according to the potential financial loss
Invest in security that is demonstrably worth it
Build security systematically according to clear priorities
Leave cyber security concerns to us and focus on your business
How we can help you
A business risk analysis you will understand
We express risks in the financial losses they can cause. As the owner or manager of the company you will understand the possible impact on your business.
Consulting and complete business security management
We will take care of establishing your cyber security program and its management. You can consult us on topics that bother you whenever you need it.
Penetration test management and business interpretation of the risk
We will ensure the effective penetration tests execution and translate the detected issues into business risks. We will propose measures that will demonstrably pay off for you.
Our approach to business security
Security for us is not a technical problem but a business problem. We search for threats and calculate their possible financial impact on the client's firm. Based on clear data we are looking for effective solutions that are demonstrably worthwhile.
In cyber security we completely design these solutions and ensure their implementation. We help protect sensitive data and the entire corporate IT infrastructure.
Who we have already helped
We have already helped many companies to make business safer. These are some of them.
"Tomáš Pavlis from Zagsecurity and I have cooperated on several projects in the field of data security, risk analysis and verification of the effectiveness of business process setup. I must appreciate Tomáš's factual approach, his knowledge and extensive experience. Of course full client's satisfaction involved in the projects is essential – that is why we are also starting cooperation on another project."
JUDr. Miroslav Uričař
LEGALITÉ advokátní kancelář s.r.o.
"We process accounting for corporate clients, who are placing increasing demands on the safety of its suppliers. From a certain point in time, I needed someone to help me meet these demands and answer questions from auditors. Tomáš and his colleagues from Zagsecurity not only managed to meet the requirements of the auditors but they managed to use our existing solutions or set up new ones so that they would also be meaningful for our daily work. I was finally able to let it go and do some client work. I know that safety is taken care of in the future. So I can highly recommend cooperation, you will get security on your side."
Barbara P.
majitelka účetní firmy
We will help you keep yours business secure
- Do you know what risks you are at and whether it makes sense to attend to them?
- Do you want to make sure that the security measures pay off?
- Do you need an expert to manage information security in your company?
- Do you need help to organize or evaluate penetration tests?
© 2021 | zagsecurity.com | Zásady zpracování osobních údajů
V roce 2020 získala firma Data Security Services s.r.o. podporu z Evropských strukturálních a investičních fondů, realizovanou skrz Operační program Praha - pól růstu ČR a čerpanou přes druhou výzvu Specializovaných voucherů (reg.č. CZ.07.1.02/0.0/0.0/16_027/0000607). Podpora byla mířena na účast firmy Data Security Services s.r.o. se sídlem „ Radlická 663/28, Smíchov, 150 00 Praha“ na projektu „Kreativní propagace datové bezpečnosti“ za účelem „vytvoření webových stránek, brandového manuálu, vytvoření letáku a brožury“. Očekávaným výstupem je „ kreativně prezentace firmy zabývající se šířením znalostí o důležitosti datové bezpečnosti, což zvýší konkurenceschopnost firmy“. Registrační číslo projektu: DOT/53/03/001235/2020
Projekt „Kreativní propagace datové bezpečnosti“ je spolufinancován Evropskou unií