Penetration testing and translation of results into business risks
Find out how your company's security would stand up to a cyberattack. For the risks identified we will quantify possible financial losses and propose measures for you which is worth to invest in.
Advice on penetration testing
Get a professional partner to advise you on how to effectively manage penetration testing to produce the necessary results and detect important risks.
One-off help
Convert penetration test results into business language
We will translate the technical results of penetration testing into specific risks and quantify their possible financial impact on your business
Complex solution
Complete penetration testing management
We'll take care of penetration tests from A to Z. We ensure their effective course and transfer the results to specific risks expressed in financial losses.
Business point of view on penetration tests
Penetration test results are often technical and lack link-up with real business. Therefore using a proven method, we convert them to specific risks, which we express in possible financial losses.
We will help you understand how dangerous these risks are to your business and which of them you should eliminate. We will advise you on what safety measures are worth investing in.
We will be happy to design these measures for you and ensure their implementation.
Our approach to penetration testing
When managing tests their effectiveness and usability of results for the overall business is crucial for us. We focus testing on key parts of IT infrastructure and avoid exploring dead ends.
We translate technical results into specific risks and express them on the basis of impending financial losses.
This will allow us to set clear priorities and propose only security measures that are demonstrably worthwhile.
We will help you keep yours business secure
- Do you know what risks you are at and whether it makes sense to attend to them?
- Do you want to make sure that the security measures pay off?
- Do you need an expert to manage information security in your company?
- Do you need help to organize or evaluate penetration tests?
© 2021 | | Zásady zpracování osobních údajů
V roce 2020 získala firma Data Security Services s.r.o. podporu z Evropských strukturálních a investičních fondů, realizovanou skrz Operační program Praha - pól růstu ČR a čerpanou přes druhou výzvu Specializovaných voucherů (reg.č. CZ.07.1.02/0.0/0.0/16_027/0000607). Podpora byla mířena na účast firmy Data Security Services s.r.o. se sídlem „ Radlická 663/28, Smíchov, 150 00 Praha“ na projektu „Kreativní propagace datové bezpečnosti“ za účelem „vytvoření webových stránek, brandového manuálu, vytvoření letáku a brožury“. Očekávaným výstupem je „ kreativně prezentace firmy zabývající se šířením znalostí o důležitosti datové bezpečnosti, což zvýší konkurenceschopnost firmy“. Registrační číslo projektu: DOT/53/03/001235/2020
Projekt „Kreativní propagace datové bezpečnosti“ je spolufinancován Evropskou unií