Risk analysis of your business
We identify threats to your business and express them in potential financial losses.This will help you understand the impact on your business and know what measures will pay off.

Security expert
Consult an information security expert whenever you need it.Consult your current issues and get clear recommendations.
One-time help
Risk analysis
We identify risks and express them as possible financial losses. This way you will know what security measures will pay off for you.
Complex solutions
Security tailored to your needs
We analyze your business risks, propose appropriate measures and take care of complete cybersecurity implementation.
How risk analysis can help you
Risk analysis quantifyes potential threats to your business based on potential financial losses.No non-telling charts but clear data that will give you a concrete idea of the potential impact on your business.
You will know what measures are worth investing in and how to manage the identified risks effectively, based on clear priorities.
In cyber security, we can propose complete taylor made solution for you.

Risk analysis of your company
Find out what risks are threatening your business and what measures to take against them.

How the introduction of risk management works
We identify the risks for your business and quantify them based on potential financial losses. This gives you a clear idea of the potential impacts on your business.
Depending on the level of individual risks, we will set clear priorities and propose measures that are worth investing in.
We will then take complete care of cybersecurity. We design and implement tailor-made solutions to ensure the protection of all data and the entire IT infrastructure. We will guide you through the necessary training and teach you how to manage the measures in place.
We will help you keep yours business secure
- Do you know what risks you are at and whether it makes sense to attend to them?
- Do you want to make sure that the security measures pay off?
- Do you need an expert to manage information security in your company?
- Do you need help to organize or evaluate penetration tests?
© 2021 | zagsecurity.com | Zásady zpracování osobních údajů

V roce 2020 získala firma Data Security Services s.r.o. podporu z Evropských strukturálních a investičních fondů, realizovanou skrz Operační program Praha - pól růstu ČR a čerpanou přes druhou výzvu Specializovaných voucherů (reg.č. CZ.07.1.02/0.0/0.0/16_027/0000607). Podpora byla mířena na účast firmy Data Security Services s.r.o. se sídlem „ Radlická 663/28, Smíchov, 150 00 Praha“ na projektu „Kreativní propagace datové bezpečnosti“ za účelem „vytvoření webových stránek, brandového manuálu, vytvoření letáku a brožury“. Očekávaným výstupem je „ kreativně prezentace firmy zabývající se šířením znalostí o důležitosti datové bezpečnosti, což zvýší konkurenceschopnost firmy“. Registrační číslo projektu: DOT/53/03/001235/2020
Projekt „Kreativní propagace datové bezpečnosti“ je spolufinancován Evropskou unií